Project Description

We provide restorative justice and restorative approaches in-school support by our experienced staff to schools wishing to develop a restorative approach to learning, relationships, changing behaviour and developing resilience.

In School Support – Aim of Project – creation of bespoke support packages for school whether mainstream or specialist. We provide hands-on restorative support within school to help with:

Restorative Behavioural Support – we could support SLT working directly with pupils who  been removed from classes.  Providing restorative interventions to resolve issues, repair relationships and reintegrate the pupil back into the classroom in a manner that is likely to reduce the necessity for them to be removed again in the future.

Restorative Classroom Support  – after an opportunity to  observe behaviour in a classroom we can support the implementation of a more restorative approach to classroom management, leading to staff being able to readily use the approach themselves to build positive relationships and manage conflict in a solution focussed way that reduces the likelihood of a reoccurrence.

Restorative Playground Support – we can work directly with your Mid-Day Supervisors to implement a restorative approach to behaviour and relationships within the playground.  By working on the playground with your staff we are able to model the approach, support meaningful implementation and highlight outcomes.

Restorative SEN Support – we can work directly with your staff supporting pupils on EHCPs.  Our aim would be to equip your support staff to manage the behaviour of a challenging pupil in a safe, calm restorative way helping the pupil develop control over their behaviours and emotions allowing them to engage with learning and other pupils in a more positive way.

Affordability: – We have cut our normal costs as much as we can to ensure that we have built affordability into this work, we would also support a schools application to a range of funders likely to be willing to underpin the proposed project. Schools can buy in our support on a 1 or 2 day a week basis for as many weeks as we are needed.  Please contact us for further information by email at or by using the form on our contact us page.

reduction of playground incidents in 6 months
of staff feeling confident to use the approaches going forward


To inspire young people to develop emotional and behavioural resilience, through the delivery of restorative frameworks, that enable them to make positive choices, changes & relationships.